curtain blowing in the breeze

religiousClient Brief : Looking for imagery that represents the Holy Spirit moving in an emotive and inspiring way. A gentle breeze wafting through an open window and blowing curtain comes to mind. The attached Rush of Heaven cover communicates a lot of what we’re looking for. We’d LOVE to see some great images along these lines. Think earthy, contemplative, expressive, warm tones, sense of movement. We’re looking for imagery that is more intimate than expansive. This Bible should feel like your best friend is sitting down to discuss the Bible with you. We like Arcangel images AA1481647 and AA1294135. please submit images along these lines, keeping in mind the above criteria.
PS Number : 00001690
Deadline Date : 2017-11-16 11:32:00
Intended Use : Book Cover
Genre : Other

Please upload any relevant high-images through your Arcangel account. Images submitted to Livesearch projects will also enter the general submission workflow. Include the Livesearch PS number when submitting images. Enter the number in the LT Keyworder’s Livesearch field.
