A smart garden party

Client Brief : What I need are amazing art photos (or even paintings or illustration, though I think it’s most likely to be a photo) which could sum up the following: A smart garden party held in an English garden by wealthy people. Notes: – It should look contemporary. The book is set now. – Ideally there won’t be any figures in it, though if they are there in the background that’s ok too – so long as indistinct or very cropped. Please don’t reject any with figures, as we could crop to a detail. – It could be the set dressing for a party (lawn, perfect table, drinks, delicious canapes, marquee, and the props should be expensive), – Or it could be the aftermath of a party (spilled drinks, detritus), it could be pulled right out so the people are very small or closely cropped so that what we are seeing is eg a table or glasses of champagne. – The key is that the tone is beautiful, tastefully expensive, appealing and desirable. – If there’s an element of unusual/sinister in there too that’s ok, but I think this might be hard, so I’m currently focussing on the actual scene. – I would look at colour/black and white/photographs/art/prints
PS Number : 00003075
Deadline Date : 2021-01-26 00:00:00
Intended Use : Book Cover
Genre : General Fiction

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