Korean (or east Asian) women

Client Brief : We are looking for photographs of Korean (or east Asian) women – any age range between about 20 and 50. We actually need two women for the cover, of different ages so it would be wonderful to see a broad spectrum. Ideally we need photographs that aren’t too ‘beautiful model head shots’ but more real women, but still beautiful and interesting. I would look at head shots, close ups, narrative shots with more context – anything really, but we just need great photographs of Korean women.
PS Number : 00003232
Deadline Date : 2021-05-26 00:00:00
Intended Use : Book Cover
Genre : General Fiction

Please upload any relevant high-images through your Arcangel account. Images submitted to Livesearch projects will also enter the general submission workflow. Include the Livesearch PS number when submitting images. Enter the number in the LT Keyworder’s Livesearch field.
